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Trick or Treat – 88 course points
The purpose of this assignment is to practice your understanding of Undirected Graphs and Adjacency Lists.
IMPORTANT: This assignment is more involved than previous assignments. You will need time to:
- Understand the classes provided to you as well as the libraries in java.util.
- Come up with a plan to structure your solution.
- Debug and test your code.
Please plan accordingly and start early. If you submit too close to the deadline, there will be no time to fix compilation or submission errors, and we cannot fix them for you.
Refer to our Programming Assignments FAQ for instructions on how to install VSCode, how to use the command line and how to submit your assignments.
- See this video on how to import the project into VSCode and how to submit into Autolab.
The assignment has two components:
- Coding (85 points) submitted through Autolab.
- Reflection (3 points) submitted through a form.
- Submit the reflection AFTER you have completed the coding component.
- Be sure to sign in with your RU credentials! (netid@scarletmail.rutgers.edu)
- You cannot resubmit reflections but you can edit your responses before the deadline by clicking the Google Form link, signing in with their netid, and selecting “Edit your response”
When you go Trick-or-Treating, you’ll encounter many neighborhoods, houses, candy baskets, and types of candy. We can represent the network formed by these neighborhoods, houses, baskets, and candies as a weighted undirected graph. This allows us to determine the best ways for children to collect the most treats, find the shortest routes, and see if they can finish their route in time to avoid curfew.
This is an undirected graph assignment where vertices are houses. An edge represents a sidewalk between two houses or crossing a street.
Overview of Files
- We provide one Java class for each of the tasks you need to complete. Update these files with your code for each task (see Implementation Notes).
- We provide StdIn and StdOut.
- We provide a set of input files to represent a graph. You are free to edit them, as well as create new input files with the correct format to help test your code.
Implementation Notes
The structure of this assignment is quite different from the previous assignments. Please play careful attention to the following rules.
- DO NOT use static variables in your code.
- In each given Java class, you will read from a given input file (passed in as command line arguments), read some other information (like source vertices, etc) and write to a given output file (whose name is passed in as a command line argument).
- DO NOT change the names of any of the given Java files, or the project structure itself (do not change directory names or create new directories).
- DO NOT remove the package statement from any of the given input files.
- DO NOT use System.exit() in your code.
- Unlike any previous assignment, YOU MAY (and should) create your own classes in the src/trick folder. YOU MAY import “java.util.*”, but DO NOT import anything else. Make sure any new classes have a package statement: package trick;
- The classes that you create MAY NOT have spaces in their names.
- In order to grade a problem, we run the corresponding Java class and verify the output file. This means you have full freedom in your project structure, as long as our provided classes output the correct answer to the correct output file. Take this opportunity to practice your project design skills, and write clean code that avoids redundancy.
- DO NOT remove the package statement from the provided classes.
- We use Java 17 to compile your code. If you use more recent versions locally, your code may not compile in Autolab (example: using .reversed() instead of Collections.reverse(___).
Using StdIn and StdOut
- Use StdIn.setFile(fileName) to set the current input file you want to read from.
- You can now use methods like StdIn.readInt(), StdIn.readString() and StdIn.readLine() to operate on the input file as if it was standard input.
- The methods StdIn.readInt() and StdIn.readString() actually leave the newline character unread, so if you use StdIn.readLine() after one of these methods, it will read this character rather than the next line. If you want to read the next line with StdIn.readLine(), you will need to call StdIn.readLine() once to read the newline character and then again to read the next line. StdIn.readInt() and StdIn.readString() ignore spaces and newlines by default.
- Use StdOut.setFile(fileName) to set the current output file you want to write to. It creates the file if it doesn’t already exist.
- You can now use methods like StdOut.print() and StdOut.println() to operate on the output file as if it was standard output.
Autolab ignores empty lines and extra spaces that your output files may have.
Tasks to be implemented by you:
Mini-Tasks: Create a Graph (strongly recommended)
This is an undirected graph assignment where vertices represent houses. An edge represents a sidewalk between two houses or crossing a street.
Mini-Task 1: Houses + Candies
We can create a class that stores a house name and weight. If you’re using a linked list implementation for your adjacency list, you should also have a next reference that points to the next House.
When the edge weight is 0, the House will represent a vertex. When the edge weight is greater than 0, the House will represent an edge and would be associated with a “from” house via our adjacency list.
What about candies? First things first, you’ll want to make a Candy object to store a single candy’s name and count (ex: 35 Skittles).
One approach is to store an ArrayList of Candies inside a House vertex. With this, the ArrayList would be stored inside the House class.
Another approach: You may want to use a HashMap of (house name, list of candies) separate from your adjacency list. To get a list of candies for a given house name, you can use hashMap.get(houseName);
- Recall that candies consist of a name and count. You can either have a list of Candy objects that contain a name and count, or use a HashMap as your list of candies, storing another set of key-value pairs: (candy name, candy count)
- This will allow you to work with only house names in your adjacency list, with a way to look up candy inventories for a house.
- See below for how HashMaps work.
Mini-Task 2: Graph class
- You can use the House class to store vertices and edges. Recall that a House whose weight is 0 represents a vertex, and a House whose weight is > 0 represents an edge.
- an adjacency list (array of house lists), where the front of each list corresponds to a vertex and its successive nodes represent edges incident to that vertex. More formally, we use an array of lists where adj[i] refers to a vertex and its next nodes refer to edges of that vertex. This is similar to the lab.
- OR: You can also use a HashMap where keys are house names and values are the list of edges.
How do HashMaps work?
- HashMaps store (key, value) pairs, and allow you to look up a value for a corresponding key.
- Initialize a HashMap of key type Key and value type Value using HashMap<Key, Value> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
- Put a new value (or update an existing value) for a key using hashMap.put(key, newValue);
- Use hashMap.putIfAbsent(key, value) to put a key, value pair in the HashMap if a key doesn’t exist.
- You can check if the HashMap contains some key in average case O(1) time (returns a boolean) with name.containsKey(key)
- You can check the value of some key in the HashMap in average case O(1) time with name.get(key)
- You can iterate over all the keys in the HashMap with for (Key key : name.keySet()) where Key is the type of keys in the HashMap.
Consideration: Add Vertices
In the last lab and in some class examples, you added all vertices first via a constructor. This is best for an adjacency list implementation. For a HashMap implementation, this can also be done in addEdge if the vertex doesn’t exist.
Remember that you’ll need to handle candies.
Mini-Task 2.1: addEdge
Create a method, in the Graph Class, to insert an edge into your graph. This will insert a single directed edge to the graph, similarly to your lab (we’ll use TWO calls from u -> v and v -> u to implement adding an undirected edge).
Add the edge to the end of the vertex’s corresponding list.
Be sure to set the weight correctly.
To insert an undirected edge, we can call this method twice: one to create an edge from u to v, and another from v to u:
addEdge(u, v);
addEdge(v, u);
Mini-Task 2.2: adj(v)
Create a method, in the Graph class, to return the edges adjacent to a given vertex. This method is similar to the adj method discussed in class. You’ll need this in later tasks beyond NeighborhoodMap.
Mini-Task 3: Storing Houses + Candies
To refer to houses more efficiently, we’ll need to find a way to map a house name to the rest of the house’s information (like its inventory). In the adjacency list, a vertex has its own list of incident edges.
We talked about an approach to storing candies in Mini-Task 1, and that was to store candies inside a House (especially if you’re using an adjacency list implementation, where Houses also represent vertices).
Especially if you’re using a HashMap implementation for your adjacency list, you may want to use a HashMap of (house name, list of candies). To get a list of candies for a given house name, you can use hashMap.get(houseName);
- Essentially: Recall that candies consist of a name and count. You can either have a list of Candy objects that contain a name and count, or use a HashMap as your list of candies, storing another set of key-value pairs: (candy name, candy count).
- This will allow you to work with only house names in your adjacency list, with a way to look up candy inventories for a house.
These mini-tasks will prepare you for the main tasks, as you’ll have a graph implementation you can work with for each task.
In this task, you’ll initialize the graph data structure that you’ll use for all later tasks.
If you completed the mini-tasks, you will use the Graph class to store the graph from the input file and you’ll be able to work with the other classes you’ve created.
Create the neighborhood map using the input file passed through command line arguments. In NeighborhoodMap.java, you will read the input file name from args[0] and output to args[1]. The input file is formatted as follows:
- The number of houses, say n
- n lines containing each house (a string), the number of candies, and for each candy its name and quantity (all space-separated)
- The number of edges, say e
- e lines containing the first vertex (a house/string), the second vertex (a house/string), and the corresponding edge weight (as an integer)
Use the StdIn
library to read from a file:
opens a file to be read.StdIn
reads the next integer value from the opened file (whether the value is in the current line or in the next line).StdIn
reads the next String value from the opened file.
Format your output as follows:
- For each house, output the house name followed by candies (name and quantity, space separated) on the same line.
- Then, print the adjacency list. There should be n lines (n = number of houses) containing the house name followed by, for each edge, the other house name and its edge weight (space separated).
Compile command: javac -d bin src/trick/*.java
Run command: java -cp bin trick.NeighborhoodMap input1.in input1.out
Below is the expected output for NeighborhoodMap.java when running with arguments “input1.in input1.out”. Order of lines does not matter as long as candy lines come first and the order of edges for each vertex matches. The order of candies doesn’t matter.
h8 KitKat 4 h9 KitKat 3 Skittles 2 h1 KitKat 5 Skittles 5 h2 KitKat 4 h3 Skittles 3 h4 KitKat 8 Skittles 2 h5 KitKat 0 h6 KitKat 0 Skittles 6 h7 KitKat 7 h8 h9 18 h5 20 h9 h6 2 h8 18 h1 h4 15 h2 4 h2 h3 2 h7 17 h1 4 h3 h2 2 h7 3 h4 11 h6 10 h4 h1 15 h6 10 h3 11 h5 14 h5 h8 20 h7 8 h4 14 h6 h4 10 h9 2 h3 10 h7 h3 3 h5 8 h2 17
Submit the entire TrickOrTreat directory with NeighborhoodMap.java implemented under Early Submission to receive extra credit (see “Zipping the directory for submission” below).
DO NOT submit only NeighborhoodMap.java to Autolab.
Let’s try to find all houses reachable from some other house: we can use DFS to do this, as it backs out when all vertices reachable from some source have been visited. Given a source vertex, produce a DFS (depth-first search) ordering of all vertices reachable from the source, in the order given by DFS.
– Use the same graph from NeighborhoodMap.java for this and all other tasks. Don’t reference an output file to rebuild the graph as Autolab can’t access other output files – rather, use the graph structure you built. What this means is: you should call whatever methods in classes you used to generate the graph and generate the path of vertices visited from the source indicated in command-line arguments.
Print out one line with all houses in the order they were visited, space-separated.
args[0] is the neighborhood map input file, args[1] is the source house name, and args[2] is the output file.
Compile command: javac -d bin src/trick/*.java
Run command: java -cp bin trick.FindTreatsRoute input1.in h1 findtreats1.out
Below is the expected output for FindTreatsRoute.java when running with arguments “input1.in h1 findtreats1.out”. Order does matter, but extra whitespace will be ignored.
h1 h4 h6 h9 h8 h5 h7 h3 h2
Now that we know which houses we can reach, let’s try to find the house where we can get the most of a specific candy from. We’ll use the DFS ordering from before, so you should:
- Traverse each house from the DFS ordering you obtain from FindTreatsRoute.
- Check each house and find the house with the maximal amount of your target candy. If two houses have the same maximal amount of candy, break ties by using the first one in the DFS ordering.
Print out the house name with the most of that specific candy, and only the house name.
args[0] is the neighborhood map input file, args[1] is the source house, args[2] is the candy you’re looking for, and args[3] is the output file.
Compile command: javac -d bin src/trick/*.java
Run command: java -cp bin trick.FindHouseWithMostCandy input1.in h1 Skittles findcandy1.out
Below is the expected output for FindHouseWithMostCandy.java when running with arguments “input1.in h1 Skittles findcandy1.out”. Order does matter, but extra whitespace will be ignored.
Let’s try to find a path to the house with the most candy. We can use BFS to find the quickest path (with respect to number of hops) from a source house to every other house. Your task is to print out the BFS path from the source house to the house with the most of a specific candy.
- USE the house from FindHouseWithMostCandy and find a path to that house.
- Use the edgeTo array to store predecessors of each vertex, as discussed in class. edgeTo[source] should be null, as there is no cycle.
- To get the path, you will follow an algorithm similar to quick-union’s
method, chasing up from the target until the source is in your path.- Reverse the path so that it starts from the source — you can use
to do this if your path is an ArrayList, for instance.v = target house (most candy) path = [] while v is not null: add v to path v = edgeTo[v]; reverse path to start from source
- Compile command: javac -d bin src/trick/*.java
- Reverse the path so that it starts from the source — you can use
Run command: java -cp bin trick.PathToMostCandy input1.in h1 Skittles mostcandy1.out
Below is the expected output for FindHouseWithMostCandy.java when running with arguments “input1.in h1 Skittles mostcandy1.out”. Order does matter, but extra whitespace will be ignored.
h1 h4 h6
You will use Dijkstra’s Algorithm to set the shortest route to all houses from the house passed through in args[1]. For each vertex, output its predecessor in the pred set (you should have v lines with the vertex name and its predecessor space-separated).
- We’re using Dijkstra’s Algorithm to minimize the time it takes to travel from one house to another.
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm video and slides
As stated before, parse the input file from args[0] using the same pattern in NeighborhoodMap.
Use the following pseudocode to complete this algorithm:
Your output should be formatted as follows:
- h lines where h is the count of all houses reachable from the source vertex, including the source
- for each line, print the house name followed by its predecessor (given by pred(v)), space separated
- NOTE: pred(source) is null; we do not have an edge from the source to itself.
Compile command: javac -d bin src/trick/*.java
Run command: java -cp bin trick.ShortestPath input1.in h1 shortestpaths1.out
Below is the expected output for ShortestPath.java when running with arguments “input1.in h1 shortestpaths1.out”. Order of lines does not matter, but order within lines does.
h8 h9
h9 h6
h1 null
h2 h1
h3 h2
h4 h1
h5 h7
h6 h3
h7 h3
We want to be able to go to another house but we also have a curfew after which we can’t be outside. Let’s see if we can make it to a destination before the curfew, as given by its ideal distance.
- USE the pred and d sets you’d get by calling Dijkstra’s Algorithm on the source vertex. You implemented Dijkstra’s Algorithm in ShortestPath.
- HINT: d(v) gives you the optimal distance from the source to another vertex, v.
Output true if we can make it, false otherwise, then on the same line the distance to the house space-separated. args[0] is the neighborhood map, args[1] is the source, args[2] is the other house, args[3] is the curfew (an integer), and args[4] is the output file.
Compile command: javac -d bin src/trick/*.java
Run command: java -cp bin trick.CanAvoidCurfew input1.in h1 h8 100 shortestpaths1.out
Below is the expected output for CanAvoidCurfew.java when running with arguments “input1.in h1 h8 100 shortestpaths1.out”.
true 36
Helpful Java Classes
The following are some data structures which are automatically imported with “java.util.*” that can help make your code cleaner and more efficient. You are free to use (or not use) any of these, as well as any other class under “java.util.*”. These data structures do not have every method covered here, just some useful ones for this assignment. You can find more information about how to use these classes online.
ArrayList is an ordered array-like structure with no size limit, as it automatically resizes
- You can initialize an empty ArrayList named “name” which holds objects of type “Type” with ArrayList<Type> name = new ArrayList<>();
- For example, an ArrayList of integers named “arrList” is initialized with ArrayList<Integer> arrList = new ArrayList<>();
- You can add a new element of type “Type” to the end of your ArrayList in average case O(1) time with name.add(newElement);
- You can get the element at some index of your ArrayList in O(1) time with name.get(index);
- You can set some index to some new element in O(1) time with name.set(index, newElement);
- You can check if the ArrayList contains some element (returns a boolean) in O(n) time with name.contains(element)
Queue implements a FIFO structure
- You can initialize an empty Queue named “name” which holds objects of type “Type” with Queue<Type> name = new LinkedList<>();
- For example, a Queue of integers named “q” is initialized with Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();
- You can add a new element of type “Type” to the back of your Queue in O(1) time with name.add(newElement);
- You can get the element at the front of the Queue with name.peek()
- You can get and delete the element at the front of the queue with name.remove()
HashMap is an unordered data structure which stores and retrieves key value pairs
- You can initialize an empty HashMap named “name” that maps objects of type “Key” to objects of type “Value” with HashMap<Key, Value> name = new HashMap<>();
- For example, a HashMap named “map” which maps strings to integers is initialized with HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
- You can add a new key value pair, or update an existing key with a new value in average case O(1) time with name.put(key, value);
- You can check if the HashMap contains some key in average case O(1) time (returns a boolean) with name.containsKey(key)
- You can check the value of some key in the HashMap in average case O(1) time with name.get(key)
- You can iterate over all the keys in the HashMap with for (Key key : name.keySet()) where Key is the type of keys in the HashMap.
LinkedList is an ordered data structure
- You can initialize an empty LinkedList named “name” which holds objects of type “Type” with LinkedList<Type> name = new LinkedList();
- You can add an element to the end of your linked list with name.add(item); and to the front with name.addFirst(item).
- You can get items using name.get(index), name.getFirst(), or name.getLast(), to get an item at a specific index, first index, or last index respectively.
- name.remove() removes the first element from the list, name.remove(index); removes an item at a specific index.
VSCode Extensions
You can install VSCode extension packs for Java. Take a look at this tutorial. We suggest:
Importing VSCode Project
- Download the zip file from Autolab Attachments.
- Unzip the file by double clicking it.
- Open VSCode
- Import the folder TrickOrTreat to a workspace through File > Open Folder
Executing and Debugging
- You can run your program through VSCode or you can use the Terminal to compile and execute. We suggest running through VSCode because it will give you the option to debug.
- How to debug your code (general).
- If you choose the Terminal, from TrickOrTreat directory/folder:
- to compile: javac -d bin src/trick/*.java
- We use Java 17 to compile your code – if you use later versions and use features that don’t exist in Java 17 your code may not compile.
Zipping the directory for submission (READ THIS before submitting)
- VS Code setup + how to submit. and slides.
- Be careful when zipping the directory for submission.
- Autolab is expecting the exact directory organization we provided to you.
- Autolab is expecting the zip file to be named TrickOrTreat.zip
- All files that you have written MUST be in the TrickOrTreat/src/trick directory.
To zip the TrickOrTreat directory navigate to the parent directory:
- zip -r TrickOrTreat.zip TrickOrTreat
Inspect the zip by listing the files in zip without uncompressing it:
- unzip -l TrickOrTreat.zip
Your zip file MUST have the following structure:
If your ZIP file structure is incorrect, you will receive a message titled “contact your instructor” as a hint in Autolab. Click the file name in Autolab (netid_version_assignment.zip) to view the archive. You should see TrickOrTreat/src/trick to get to your code. The folder names must match exactly.
Your ZIP file should be called TrickOrTreat.zip, case sensitive. It should not be called trick.zip, TrickOrTreat (2).zip, or any other name besides TrickOrTreat.zip. You should also be sure not to submit ONLY NeighborhoodMap.java or a ZIP that only contains NeighborhoodMap.java to the early submission.
Before submission
Collaboration policy. Read our collaboration policy here.
Submitting the assignment.
You will have to submit a zip file. See previous section on how to zip the directory.
Submit TrickOrTreat.zip separately via the web submission system called Autolab. To do this, click the Assignments link from the course website; click the Submit link for that assignment.
Getting help
If anything is unclear, don’t hesitate to drop by office hours or post a question on Piazza.
- Post your questions on Piazza (Canvas -> Piazza)
- Find instructors and head TAs office hours here
- Find tutors office hours on Canvas -> Tutoring -> RU CATS
- In addition to office hours we have the CSL in Hill 252, a community space staffed with lab assistants which are undergraduate students further along the CS major to answer questions.
Problem by Kal Pandit and Seth Kelley