There will be 3 in person exams, 2 midterms and 1 final. The common hour exams are scheduled so that students from every section take the exams at the same time.
- Each exam is 150 points.
- Exams are in person. You are required to be on campus to take the exams, DO NOT make arrangements for those days.
- You cannot consult the textbook, notes, and assignments during exams.
- You will have 80 consecutive minutes to complete a midterm exam and 3 consecutive hours to complete the final.
Academic Integrity Violations. One warning will be given if proctors suspect academic dishonesty from a student during an exam, and further issues will result in exams being taken and reviewed. If necessary, a report to Academic Integrity will be made and a grade of 0 given.
Put your phone inside your bag during exams. If you have a phone out while the exam is ongoing, your exam will be taken, you’ll receive a 0 on the exam, and a report to Academic Integrity will be made.
You are required to be on campus to take the exams, DO NOT make travel arrangements for those days.
Conflict exams
Given proper documentation, we provide a conflict exam option.
- The conflict exam will be in person close to the date of the exam.
- The Conflict Date for the Final Exam will be Sunday, 5/11.
- Send proof of conflict via the Conflict Exam Form available for each exam. Forms will be available a few weeks before each exam.
- Midterm: screenshot of your schedule that shows your name.
- Final: screenshot of your final exams schedule that shows your name.
- USE your Scarletmail account to access the conflict form; sign out of any personal Gmail accounts you may be logged into.
Students who require accommodations, such as extra time, must contact ODS at least two weeks before the quiz date. Email your accommodations letter to the course coordinator.
Viewing Past Exams
To view the past exams listed below, please navigate to this page ( and sign in with your NetID. Under “Box”, select “Activate Service”.