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Data Structures

Computer Science Department

  • Assignments are due at 11:00PM. The due dates are strictly followed.
  • Assignments are graded automatically by AutoLab. Your program must compile without errors on Autolab – otherwise you will not receive any credit for the assignment. For each problem, your code will be tested using a suite of test cases, and you will receive credit for each case on which your code performs correctly. AutoLab will not display a score but it will give you feedback on your submitted program, which you can then update and submit again for grading. Always read the feedback!
  • You have 3 submissions without deductions; 5% of the problem total points are deducted for every submission thereafter.
  • Autolab uses the LAST SUBMISSION for the assignment grade. We cannot roll back to prior submissions no matter what.
  • Plan to submit your work at least one day in advance. Depending on the load AutoLab may take up to 1 day to give you feedback. Note that if the system is busy it may take some time before it gets to your submission request. If the deadline passes while you are waiting, your assignment will not be accepted. In other words, if you try to hand in your work close to the end of the deadline, you may be too late.

More information under the Syllabus – Assignments including:

You HAVE to submit your assignment under the FULL submission EVEN IF you submit the entire assignment under the early submission option. 

  • Early submission DOES NOT test the entire assignment, only the first method.
  • If you complete the entire assignment and submit it under early submission but forget to submit it under regular, a staff member will submit it for you. A 10% penalty will be applied.





Assignment 1

2D Arrays

Coding (100 points)




Assignment 2

Binary Trees

Coding (100 points)




Assignment 3


Coding (100 points)
