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Data Structures

Computer Science Department


Steve Kreutzer



MW 6:00-8:00 PM


Office Hours

Mon/Wed 5-6PM


  • EMAIL WITH ANY ISSUES PERTAINING TO THE COURSE. The Course Coordination Team will respond to you as soon as possible
    • Any issues with Grading should be emailed here.
    • Include [CS112] and a short description of the issue to the EMAIL SUBJECT to help our staff speed up replies. 
  • Direct questions about Course Content (problems with assignments, questions about past exam, etc) to Piazza, located on the Canvas sidebar.
    • Piazza will provide a quicker response, and emails about assignments/debugging will be directed to post there.

Office hours. Enhance your experience by coming to office hour. During these hours instructors and lead assistants are available to:

  • discuss and clarify course content and assignments.
  • discuss questions related to the major provided that other students do not have course related questions.
  • Office hours, tutoring hours, and recitations START on the second week of classes.

Teaching Assistants

Colin Sullivan

Liam Schramm

Recitation Hours

 M 8:15 – 9:20 PM


Office Hours

Th 11am-12pm


Recitation Hours

 M 8:15 – 9:20 PM


Office Hours

  • Hill Room TBA, Tues 12pm-1pm

Other Course Staff

  • Graders – Proctors and grades exams and addresses regrades during the 3 day regrading period that occurs after exam grades are released.

Note that the above staff members should only be receiving questions related to their course descriptions. As such, no one except the instructors or TAs should be receiving emails about the course or grades.

Also keep in mind that many of the above staff are also students. Please be respectful to them and their time, a staff member will address your questions/concerns as soon as possible.

Steve Kreutzer